New to Assessment?

First time exploring the field of assessment? Fear not. We put together a collection of open-access resources introducing the basics of assessing student learning. We recommend starting here, and then exploring and supplementing these resources with materials that are relevant to your specific practice questions and audiences.

Conversations around assessment, akin to higher education in general, can quickly become jargon filled. Thus a good starting point involves an overview of key terms and acronyms.

Our Acronym List takes the guess work out of what the acronyms for which accrediting agencies and assessment-related organizations stand. It is not an exhaustive list, but does provide a quick, painless reference point.

Our Assessment Glossary contains definitions to terms and concepts you are likely to encounter in assessment literature, practice, conferences, and conversations. 

Our Assessment Journal list provides an overview of scholarly journals and sources of information on assessment related literature. 

We also have a list of Assessment Related Technologies detailing different software solutions that can meet your assessment needs. As well as additional resources that can be useful as you begin to delve into the assessment landscape including listservs, blogs, and communities of practice. 

Activity: What is Your Philosophy of Assessment?

Knowing the philosophical stances of people, disciplines, units or departments on assessment can help improve communication and lower misunderstanding. This activity is designed to enable assessment professionals, and faculty and staff within departments and units, to know which philosophies they are aligned with to help them approach different conversations and communicate about assessment to different groups based on different perspectives.

Without clarity on the philosophy behind assessment, faculty and staff can talk past each other, misunderstand one another, and/or reinforce or obfuscate assessment culture. This activity can serve as a useful tool to explore perceptions and philosophical approaches regarding the purpose and value of assessment.

Image 8 : Philosophy Activity Cover

Activity: What is Your Student Affairs Philosophy of Assessment?

The activity presents a structured exercise to explore what student affairs practitioners believe to be true about the role and purpose of assessment as well as the best means to document student learning in relation to four philosophies: co-curricular learning, measurement of participation/satisfaction, compliance/reporting, and student-centeredness. Done individually or as a group, this activity can support internal communication and strategic planning on assessment

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While most institutions will have information on writing learning outcome statements on an assessment website or center for teaching and learning website, we have compiled a sampling of a few different resources on various perspectives and approaches to writing learning outcome statements.

  1. A Brief Introduction to Creating Learning Outcomes by NILOA coach, Joe Levy
  2. Verbs that are useful for writing learning outcomes
    1. Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Revised Taxonomy 
    2. Operational Verb List by Cliff Adelman
  3. Learning Goals and Their Role in Course Design 
  4. Evaluating the Strength of Learning Outcomes
  5. Information on Writing SMART Learning Outcomes 

In order to know where you are going, we think it is helpful to know where we’ve been and currently are as a field. These resources provide an overview of the assessment landscape using findings from three iterations of a national NILOA survey of provosts, and more.

  1. Assessment that Matters: Trending toward Practices that Document Authentic Student Learning
  2. Knowing What Students Know and Can Do: The Current State of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in US Colleges and Universities
  3. More than You Think, Less than We Need: Learning Outcomes Assessment in American Higher Education
  4. NILOA at Ten: A Retrospective

Simply transplanting assessment practices from another institution into yours does not mean they will yield similar results. However, the lessons learned and questions asked along the assessment process can be adapted to fit your context. The following examples provide thoughtful examples and considerations to make when conducting assessment and using evidence for improvement.

  1. Assessment 2.0: An Organic Supplement to Standard Assessment Procedure
  2. Using Assessment Results: Promising Practices of Institutions that Do It Well
  3. All-in-One: Combining Grading, Course, Program, and General Education Outcomes Assessment
  4. A Simple Model for Learning Improvement: Weigh Pig, Feed Pig, Weigh Pig
  5. Using ePortfolio to Document and Deepen the Impact of HIPs on Learning Dispositions

A significant element of assessment is transparency: sharing assessment data with various stakeholders and being open about the process. The following resources can help focus your thinking around transparency as it relates to assessment.

  1. Improving Teaching, Learning, and Assessment by Making Evidence of Achievement Transparent
  2. Transparency & Accountability: An Evaluation of the VSA College Portrait Pilot
  3. Making Student Learning Evidence Transparent: The State of the Art
  4. NILOA’s Transparency Framework

Learning frameworks are tools that help specify learning outcomes or skills that learners have acquired while facilitating their transfer from one context to the next. Learning frameworks play an important role in determining what students know and can do. The following resources provide an overview of learning frameworks and their relation to assessment.

  1. Interconnected Learning Frameworks
  2. Learning Frameworks: Tools for Building a Better Educational Experience
  3. The Degree Qualifications Profile: What It Is and Why We Need It Now
  4. The Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP): Implications for Assessment
  5. Using the Degree Qualifications Profile to Foster Meaningful Change
  6. Tuning: A Guide for Creating Discipline-Specific Frameworks to Foster Meaningful Change

Assessment Modules

Seven New England colleges and universities formed the Learning Assessment Research Consortium (LARC) and developed online modules on assessment to be utilized for professional development within colleges and universities nationally. NILOA is pleased to house the great work of the Consortium on our website. All LARC developed materials and module content are under a creative commons license. 

Background: LARC is comprised of seven colleges and universities in New England that first came together during a “think tank” event. These institutions include: Suffolk University, Simmons University, Fitchburg State University, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Manchester Community College, St. Michael’s College, and Framingham State University. Four authors from the consortium: Chris Cratsley (Fitchburg State University), Jennifer Herman (Simmons University), Linda Bruenjes (Suffolk University), and Victoria Wallace (MGH Institute of Health Professions) familiar with multi-day course design institutes, developed a set of customizable online assessment modules to meet the needs of administrators, deans, chairs, faculty, and staff assessing student learning at the institutional, program, and course levels. Thanks to a generous grant from The Davis Educational Foundation, LARC completed a three-year project to develop six modules on a variety of topics related to assessment: Benefits & Barriers, Demystifying Assessment, Goals & Objectives, Gathering Data, Use of Assessment Data, and Sustainable Practices. In year three of the grant, the consortium partnered with NILOA as a platform for free online access, making these modules readily available. LARC and NILOA are continuing to explore ways to help institutions use these modules to create sustainable assessment practices on their campuses.