Need resources that are relevant to your specific role? While the majority of NILOA’s resources are applicable to multiple audiences, some are more targeted for specific audiences. Publications are now tagged with the most relevant audiences for materials. We have identified seven main audience groups, and have curated a targeted list of 5 key resources of interest to each audience. Explore select resources by audience group below.
Resources for

Assessment That Matters: Trending Toward Practices That Document Authentic Student Learning
Occasional Paper
Portrait of the Assessment Professional in the United States: Results from a National Survey
Resources for

Occasional paper
Student Outcomes Assessment Among the New Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Majority
Resources for

Assessment That Matters: Trending Toward Practices That Document Authentic Student Learning
Resources for

Resources for

Assessment Brief
Making Assessment Meaningful: What New Student Affairs Professionals Need to Know
Occasional Paper
Creating Sustainable Assessment through Collaboration: A National Program Reveals Effective Practices
Assessment in Practice
Measuring Student Learning in the Co-curricular: Developing an Assessment Plan for Student Affairs
Resources for

Occasional Paper
Towards a Model for Assessment in an Information and Technology-Rich 21st Century Learning Environment
Occasional Paper
Internships, Integrative Learning and the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP)
Assessment in Practice
Implementing a Student Assessment Scholars Program: Students Engaging in Continuous Improvement
Resources for

The EEQ Cert: A New Way to Assure and Communicate Program Quality, Relevance, & Value
Assessment Update: NILOA Perspectives
Using Assignments to Redefine Employer Relationships
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